Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Yoido Church, Seoul and the prayer mountain

Today, I am ecstatic while researching about the prayer mountain in S. Korea. I've heard wonderful stories about it and the beautiful experiences of many Christians but aside from that, I don't have my personal knowledge about the said place.

So what did I know after googling it? Let me share.

1) The prayer mountain was made to provide an isolated place of prayer for Christians.

2) Because early Christians were persecuted of their faith, they practice waking up as early as four in the morning ascend the nearby mountains where they could freely pray until the first ray of sunrise. At the end of the day, before going home, the Christians would again ascend the mountains to pray and fast and ask God to intervene on their behalf.

3) That  this is operated by South Korea's largest full gospel church, Yoido Full Gospel Church, recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records as having the world's largest congregation.

4)  I was wrong to think that this would be a quiet and serene place, instead, "The hills echoed with the screams and yells of fellow prayers." said one blogger.

5) and more info here,

Not only that, I am amazed to know that Yoido Full Gospel Church who runs the place is actually the church who coined cell grouping for Christians. Because the congregation is toooo big, their head pastor made cell groups to accommodate and have personal care to their members. Up until now Christian churches all over the globe uses this term and the idea. NOW I KNOW. :)

There's one site which made an entry about Yoido, what FYI is,
When asked what musical instruments were played, he responded,"Organ, piano, synth, guitar, drums, flute, clarinet, sax, tambourine... and a symphony orchestra."


More to add: I read that anyone who passed by those mountains would hear the cries and weeping of the men and women who were storming heaven with their sad plight and asking God to change their situation. Koreans do not typically pray silently, but rather, very loudly.  From then on, prayer and fasting have been the hallmarks of the strong South Korean Church.  In fact, on the 27th of each month, there is a world-wide movement to pray and fast for North Korea.  I’m sorry, but I don’t think diplomacy, military might, or economic sanctions will cause the oppressive North Korean regime to fall.  It will be the prayers of God’s people which will end this Asian Christian holocaust.

I really wish in my heart that we can visit Yoido Church and experience prayer mountain. I am amazed of how the Lord works in the life of the Koreans. They are simply amazing. And the Lord is much more amazing that when He blesses, He just do it in His most beautiful way.Wonderful.



  1. I visited Prayer Mountain in March of this year.Forget about the noise of prayer;the place is serene in a way that comes as a shock to western pre-conceptions.
    Do go and get closer to God.

    1. sorry i just saw your reply. hey i hope you'er blogging too. :) thanks for dropping by. we went to yoido but we didnt have the chance to visit prayer mountain.

      God bless you

  2. Prayer request:

    Protection prosperity miracles wisdom freedom chance success healty healing blessings, compasion life mercy of Jesus, grace of God, protection againts thieves, protection againts persécutions, must be in pastor Thieringo's life in Jesus name.


Your happy thoughts