Yesterday marked my 17th week of pregnancy. I'm still cool! Praise God.
We had our monthly check up last 2 Saturdays ago and baby Pea was more than okay. We saw her opening her mouth and moving a lot. My OB Gyne tried to check out the gender and she thought, baby Pea is a girl but didn't really confirm it because my husband and Hershey want a boy so better spill the beans when we're 100% sure. Ha Ha! Whether a boy or girl, it doesn't matter. We will love baby Pea dearly.
My vomiting has lessen a bit. Hershey has been over protective of me. When I'm not doing anything and just stare blank not talking, she would ask me if I'm alright or if I want to vomit and she's correct, I'm really feeling that way. If I stay longer in the toilet she would knock on the door and check if I'm vomiting again or ask her Daddy to help me. She's too concern. Sweet baby Bee.
My husband likes taking a photo of me, well, even before being pregnant he really does but now he would take different angles of my tummy. Ha Ha. One excited Dad. He's been busy roaming around the city for pram options. He likes the Stokke one but I'm not too happy because it's bulky. We had Quinny Buzz before and it's like having another child to carry around when the baby is not using it.
I will have my detailed scan on the 27th, I know baby Pea will be just perfect. I am just waiting to know the gender so we can start buying stuff. Oh! This is one of the most exicting part! Ha Ha.
See you again and pray for all pregnant women around the globe that they and their babies are just safe.
Blessings ♥