Few months ago teeth brushing became an every day/night drama. There came a point that we have to hold her hands really tight, try to make her head still and make sure that she doesn't kick us with her feet - just for us to have few seconds of cleaning her teeth. We will win but as expected she'll cry with frustration and hate! She would even push herself to vomit because she knows we'll get mad, as it is very difficult for us to feed her with milk, and she'll think we won't brush her teeth again because we don't want her to do that of course.We face the dilemma hoping and praying that this is just a stage and she'll get over this soon.
On the weekends, as she loves to swim, we prepare her mini-pool and brush her teeth first before she can enjoy the waters. We saw it was effective. She would just sit and let us clean her little teeth.
She uses 2 brushes, 1) Braun Electric toothbrush - Snow White, 2) Oral B Stages.
She has 3 variety of toothpaste, Oral B Stages (apple), Colgate Kids (strawberry) and Pigeon (orange)
And since last last week although we have to get her attention first, at least she lets us do it. :) We can brush her teeth now without crying and yelling. We are so happy.
Thank you Hershey for listening to mommy. Thank you for still being a good girl. I'm sure you don't mean to test mommy and daddy's patience, I forgive you. :) I'll show you this post soon so you get updated of your being a terrible cute 2!