Dear Hershey,
Today marks your 23rd month in our lives. :) I thank God that everyday you grow beautifully and wonderfully. It is indeed true what David says to the Lord that he praises Him because he is fearfully and wonderfully created as the Lord's works are wonderful. (Psalms 139 13-16) Please always remember this.
I thank the Lord that you are a bright child. That you do things unusually done by children your age and your pediatrician asks us to enroll you in a class because he sees you advanced. Praise the Lord for that. You are fond of books and pretend that you really can read them. I am amazed how you like to sing and more amazed when you sing it with the correct tune. You didnt do it recently though, you sing (hum) even before you turned one, hum the tunes of twinkle twinkle little star, and Barney's I Love you - I love you too baby!
I thank the Lord that you are the sweetest. You live by your name. You close your eyes everytime I kiss you. You want to hug mommy while you pretend to cry because you see the drama artista in the TV. You do that, before you even turned 1 year old and still does today. :) You want to be kissed by mom and dad (sabay) on the cheek and ask us to kiss each other after, then you would smile and hug me. You say i love you to the people we love and who loves you (including Sheila). You say i love you / thank you Jesus. I love how you pronounce it, "TeynChu Chishus". Im sure He smiles while hearing you utter those words.I thank the Lord that in your young age, we were able to introduce Him to you. Amazing how you naturally understood and felt that He is special and that we depend on him. You like the books Daniel in the lions' den. You say "kakok ko" and put your hands together to pray. Aaah, I know you mean youre afraid of the lions but you prayed and you are safe. :)
Most of the time you remind us to pray together before we bring you to your room. You say, "Pwey.." and daddy one time didnt figure that you meaned, "PRAY". :( When we pray together you reach out for our hands, the 3 of us hold hands while daddy leads the prayer and you end it with "Meymen!. You know, you at first pronounce it as, "Ah-min!" LOLHershey, we love you in the greatest way we can. We will work hard to provide you with what you need and will sometimes enjoy to spoil you with some things. We like that. We want to see you happy. "Waaaaw!" thats what you say when we bring home pasalubong, you'll be at the door give dad his slippers (nobody thought you this) and reach out for the bag. That excited and happy face doesnt change whatever we bring you. Sometimes we bring you toys, clothes, shoes, soya milk, donuts, pansit, leaflet or newspaper - still you show the same happy expression. LOL. you are so cute.
And because you make mommy happy and blessed all the time, problem is I dont want to leave you anymore. I just want to stay home and take care of you. Most of the time I cry and wish to stay home. :) Dad and I doesnt want to go somewhere else without you. Even when just going to the groceries (few walks away from our block) or to 7Eleven which is just in the building basement, we want to bring you along. We sometimes want to do exercise, jog in the park near our flat and we want you there. When you see us running and jogging, you cry! haha. so mom has to stop, dad will jog and after few runs dad rests with you and I go.
Bembem, now that you are nearing 24months, I'm a little concern about what they say "terrible two!" Will you really that terrible? :) Im sure it will be in your cutest way. I pray that the Lord gives us patience and understanding as we face this! Ha ha! I pray that you really wont that be terrible because now, errrr.. aside from the above i mentioned you are suplada. Easy okay?
Also now, mommy is busy preparing your 2nd birthday. We might have three celebrations for you. All of them are very special because these will be attended by our families and friends. The Bacolod people are so excited to see you. They are preparing their world. Tita Marj will go home with us, she don't want to miss it. You see, she took care of you from the time you were born until Nanay and Manang Shiela came. :) Kuya Lian and Kuya Jade might not able to make it, they have examinations at school. Too bad your birthday falls on school days. Ate Niki and Ate Mariel cant make it Pinas but hopefully they can attend your Singapore party (if budget permits) and surely your Tito/Ninong/Ptr Jay will shower you with his kisses (with laway) The Quezon City peeps are also preparing. Well, they are always atat na makita ka. :)
I still got a lot of things to say, Hershey. Literally a lot. But i dont want to bore our lurkers, hehe, I want to share with them the almost summary of what i feel for you this hour.
See you as soon as I can. I love you so much.
posted Feb 04 2010